Configure advanced settings to tune the behavior of VRHandsFrame.
Reverse Trigger and Grip Action
When this setting is turned ON, the trigger and grip actions on VRHandsFrame will be swapped.
Use Button/Trigger Touch Action
When this setting is turned ON, operations that require pressing the "grip" and "trigger" can be replaced with touching the "buttons" and "trigger."
- This is intended as a workaround for when pressing the grip or trigger overlaps with the main operation of the VR game.
- Some controllers do not support touch operation due to hardware specifications.
Use Quick Mode
When this setting is ON, frame generation will start when you press the trigger and grip on both controllers simultaneously.
The default setting is OFF.
- Gestures for frame generation will no longer be necessary, but there will be a higher chance of malfunctions during VR games.
- If you use this function, you will not be able to switch modes while adjusting the frame position.
Threshold of Detecting Frame
Sets the threshold for frame detection.
Normally no change is required.
If frames cannot be detected due to differences in the rendering process of the GPU or HMD, raising the threshold value may improve the problem.
Adjust Scale of Generating Frame
The larger this value, the closer the frame will be generated to the midpoint of both hands.
The smaller this value, the farther the frame will be generated from the midpoint of both hands.
This is intended as a workaround for cases where the frame covers the avatar's hands.
Ignore Brightness Settings from OVRAS
When turned ON, the brightness settings of the third-party overlay app "OVR Advanced Settings" will be ignored while the VRHandsFrame function is running.
This applies to apps sold on the Steam store. Compatibility with the Github public app has not been confirmed.
Force Processing with Incomplete Frame
When this setting is ON, Attempts to process the image even if the entire frame is not visible.
- Cropping accuracy may be reduced because an incomplete frame is used to estimate the cropping area.
- If it is not possible to estimate the cropping area, the entire field of VR View is used for image processing/output results.
Enable VRChat OSC Client
When this setting is turned on, you can send various text information to the VRChat text chat box.
In order to use this function, the VRChat OSC function must also be enabled.